What We Offer

We believe that weight management takes time, practicing and mastering of new skills, and ongoing support. Health One’s collaborative approach can help your patients and/or clients find their way to long-term success.

Health One’s complete programs to healthcare providers include:


From our Practicioners


"I have worked with the Health One product and program for over 17 years. As a registered dietitian and diabetes educator, I have countless stories of amazing improvements in health and quality of life using Health One. The most dramatic changes come with marked decrease in A1C numbers while decreasing or eliminating insulin and multiple medications for diabetes. All biomarkers improve from cholesterol, LDL, CRP, Blood Pressure etc with less medication needed.  Clients lose weight safely when not hungry and well nourished with Health One meal replacements. As people lose the weight they become more active and gain confidence and joy from movement. This is key to maintaining weight loss and belief that permanent change is possible.  

Working with hundreds of clients over the years with Health One products and programs has been the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of my career, both personally and professionally."

Mary Etta D., RD, LD, CDCES

Our Process

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