FAQs Health One Programs

Why should I add Lifestyle Change and Weight management services to my practice?

There are several reasons why it could be beneficial to begin offering services that improve health and weight management  in your practice:

  • Increased patient demand: Obesity awareness is only growing. Patients are increasingly seeking medical advice and support for weight management. Such services can attract new patients to your practice and increase patient retention rates.
  • Diversification of services: Offering such services can help diversify your practice’s services and provide additional revenue streams.
  • Improved patient outcomes: Comprehensive services that address the challenges of chronic health conditions, like obesity, can help patients achieve improvements in overall health and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.
  • Differentiation from competitors: Offering weight management services can differentiate your practice from competitors and help you stand out in a crowded market.
  • Integration with existing services: Weight management services can be integrated with other services offered by your practice, such as nutrition/health coaching, diabetes education, massage therapy, aesthetics services and more, to provide comprehensive care for patients.
  • Potential for referral partnerships: Offering specialty services can lead to partnerships with other healthcare providers who may refer patients to your practice for lifestyle medicine support.

Why should I encourage my patients to use meal replacements as part of a comprehensive program?

There are many different evidence-based approaches to chronic condition improvement and maintenance.  The use of meal replacements is a great option, when using high quality, medical grade products. Replacing meals and snacks with lower calorie options can deliver significant calorie reduction without compromising nutrition.


Research shows that the use of meal replacements can lead to significantly greater weight loss at 1 year as well as biomarker improvements, than with other interventions using conventional foods.

Resource: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of meal replacements for weight loss.

How can Health One help me implement or expand Health Improvement services in my practice?

We believe that products alone do not help people maintain health improvement long-term. Therefore, our emphasis in on working with you to create comprehensive  offerings. We offer a curriculum, operational support, nutritionally complete meal replacements and program models that are highly customizable and help you tailor it to your individual environment. We do this at an incredibly reasonable price point while still providing amazing customer service and flexibility.